When Is It Time to Replace Your Appliances?

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If an appliance is prone to requiring regular repairs, it may be time to consider replacing it. The general rule is to replace it if it is halfway through its lifespan and the repair cost is half the price of a new model.

But how do you know if it is the right time? Here are a few ways to tell.


Even the hardest-working appliances have a lifespan, and it's important to know when it's time to replace them. An appliance that breaks down can throw a major wrench in your daily routine and could be a big financial burden, not to mention a hassle if it happens at the wrong time, such as during an event like Thanksgiving.

If an appliance is pushing the 13-year mark, or you find yourself calling your repairman on a regular basis, it's likely past its estimated lifespan and it may be time to look into new models. The good news is that most appliances, including refrigerators, washers, dryers and dishwashers, are available with energy-efficient features that will save you money in the long run.

It's also a good idea to consider the aesthetics of your home when making this decision. If your appliances are dated and don't match, for example, if your fridge is finished in stainless steel and your stove has a simple white coating, it may be worth it to upgrade so that your kitchen is cohesive in its design.

Another thing to consider when deciding whether or not to repair an appliance is how much it costs. Generally speaking, Consumer Reports recommends replacing products if the cost of repairs exceeds half of what it would cost to purchase a new model.

Some appliances, especially those that sit in a damp place like the refrigerator or the basement freezer, can begin to develop odors or even mold. This can be a serious health risk and it's a sign that the appliance should probably be replaced. Other signs that an appliance is past its prime include if it's consuming more energy than usual or if it takes longer than normal to warm up. Ultimately, it's a personal decision. You may not be ready to replace an appliance but it's always a good idea to have a backup plan in place.


Even high-tech appliances have a finite life expectancy. A fridge is expected to last 13 years, dryers 12 and dishwashers 9.

Appliances that are not functioning properly can throw off your daily routine. It can also be stressful if the appliance fails at an inconvenient time, like when you are hosting guests for Thanksgiving or a weeknight dinner with friends.

However, you can save yourself some money in repair costs and headaches by determining when it is time to replace your appliances. Here are a few signs that you should consider replacing your appliances:

The dishes in your dishwasher aren’t coming out clean. Dishwashers are designed to heat the water to a temperature that thoroughly kills germs and leaves your dishes sparkling clean. If the dishes aren’t getting hot, it means your dishwasher is no longer working properly and needs to be replaced.

Leaks from your washing machine or dryer can cause expensive damage and disrupt your home life. Leaks can lead to mold or mildew, ruining your clothes and flooring. Look for puddles on the floor, rust around the machine, or a crack in the door seal. For leak detection in Melbourne, seek a professional plumber’s help to save you time and money.

Check the product manual and brand website to see if it has a troubleshooting section that will guide you in repairing your appliance. Unless your appliance has a warranty, it is likely that the repairs will eventually add up and exceed the cost of a new appliance. If you are spending more than half the value of the appliance in repairs, it’s a good idea to start saving for a replacement. Otherwise, you will be wasting your hard-earned money.

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