The Effects of Weather on Daily Mood

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With the impact of global warming, most of the countries around the world are undergoing hotter temperatures. In this scenario, most of the people are eager to know how weather changes may affect individual mood and well-being. For instance, some of you may be interested to know how hot weather may affect your mood?

Similarly, some may be interested to understand the emotional changes associated with the rainy season and colder temperature as well. Some people may even think of isolating themselves or hibernating during the peak winter season.


Let us have a detailed discussion on how weather can affect your daily mood.

Higher temperatures may raise anxiety and depression:

A recent study conducted on weather changes shows that it can leave a great impact on the negative mood of an individual; instead of building positive emotions. Higher temperatures are closely associated with increased negative feelings; people are likely to feel more jittery, distressed, and irritable. The researchers also reveal that greater sunlight and lesser wind flow can reduce negative feelings by a considerable level.

Seasonal affective disorder:

Very few of you might be aware of seasonal affective disorder and many others even consider it a myth. But there are several pieces of evidence reporting depressive disorder which is strongly linked to seasonal patterns. However, the major depressive episodes are often connected to some specific seasons. A wide range of patients report the peak impact of seasonal affected disorder during winter and fall months; however, another group of patients may experience such changes during the summer and spring months.

Heat or extreme rain is linked to increased violence:

Another group of researchers found a close connection between higher temperatures and human aggression. As the temperatures in the weather started rising, a specific group of people also started experiencing more anxiety. Such conditions lead to more conflicts in the season with a considerable rise in interpersonal violence. These findings are proven not just for higher temperatures; rather, the impact may be also poor during excessive rains. When it rains too much, people are more likely to feel aggressive and they may initiate a fight with others as well. In short, higher temperatures and too much rain affect the overall quality of life with decreased satisfaction levels.

Suicides are on the peak during summer and spring:

Although springtime may bring new hopes for many; it appears a season of hopelessness for people who are suffering from depression. Studies reveal that as compared to warmer temperatures and daylight; people are more likely to get suicidal thoughts in the spring season. This situation is more common for outdoor workers as they find it difficult to make their living. There are so many evidences associated with the seasonality of suicide.

If you are aware of your weather personality type, the weather channel live stream can help you plan things in advance. With these updates, you can make adequate decisions for mental health management and overall well-being as well. These analyses are more useful for all age groups in different countries.

Created 5 Sep 2020
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