Enrich your Instagram experience in three simple steps

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New to instagram or you are there for some time and are frustrated for not having followers. There is a need to focus, if you wish to get instagram famous and the photos noticed. Getting followers is not very simple and so gaining popularity becomes a task.

Instagram is fun, especially, when you have people following you. To get more people following you means it will take a lot of time and work, yet it is not a definite path. Here are simple three key steps to get instant famous on instagram.

Step 1: Create a Striking Instagram Feed

The foremost step is to make the profile of instagram look great. There must be best photos uploaded around 15-20.  Ensure eye-catching high quality photos.

  • To improve work on excellent composition and creating photos, learn using light to catch dramatic and stunning photos.
  • Learn camera settings and edit your Instagram photos before sharing to ensure they look their best.  Besides describe yourself in a crisp manner and not in an explanatory way.
  • Post photos that your followers would love to see, such as sunset or beach photos. Your friends hang out and dinner photos do not catch interest.

Finally, check by tapping the settings icon in your profile to ensure you instagram account is not private. To attract followers on instagram, you have to appear public.


Step 2: Get Your Instagram Photos Noticed

Uploading good photos with interesting profile means you have got viewers attention. Getting instant famous on instagram is really possible in these ways:

  • Reach out on other social networks your followers and existing friends. Request them to become your follower and after informing them share a post inviting to follow you.
  • Use hashtags to your instagram photos so that it shows in the hashtag feeds. But, add relevant hashtags or they may appear like spammer.
  • Another attractive way to get famous with followers is to begin following other people.  In return, they will see your profile and you must interact with a comment on the photo.  Leave meaningful comments and on receiving positive comments, they will check for your profile and you get new followers.

Step 3: Stay Engaged With Your Instagram Followers

Having followers is an obsession and for that you must keep your followers engaged and happy. This will keep the relationship working and enrich your instagram experience.

  • The key is to regularly post and to share worthy photos. This will ensure people look for your post and you can enjoy a responsive community.
  • Regular post is appreciated and not posting often such that you post in a row three photos.
  • Add helpful or some interesting description, this will make your instagram photos valuable and more intriguing to get followers. Even helpful tips relating to the image may be useful.

Be really nice, respond to questions and comments from your followers. Even if there is an unsatisfactory comment, do reply asking them itself for suggestions. Without fail say, Thanks or Please, your profile will be outstanding.

Created 16 Jul 2017
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