EDU Enthusiasts of Digital Universe

User ID 933768
NumberFields@home member since 3 Dec 2022
Country Poland
Total credit 819,390
Recent average credit 0.08
Decic count 2
Septic count 0
(√-10) count 2
Computers View

Projects in which EDU Enthusiasts of Digital Universe is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
PrimeGrid 330,177,787 1 18 May 2010
Einstein@Home 12,055,773 0 7 May 2010
Rosetta@home 567,201 0 9 May 2010
World Community Grid 2,310,037 0 27 May 2010
SETI@home 3,384,722 0 7 May 2010
Enigma@Home 2,115,079 0 7 May 2010
yoyo@home 288 0 23 May 2010
MilkyWay@home 67,026,307 0 7 May 2010
WUProp@Home 171,040 0 28 May 2010
Moo! Wrapper 52,300,590 0 22 Jan 2012
NumberFields@home 819,390 0 3 Dec 2022
Team BOINC@Poland

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 0:24:47 UTC