True:I think,therefor I THINK I am. My thinking ISNT the source of my being, nor proves my existence to others. Life v lies. Dont be a DNA-denier. Abortion kills a new, unique human-boy or girl. The fetus has her/HIS own CNS, circulatory system GEd

User ID 102851
NumberFields@home member since 17 Feb 2020
Country Hungary
Total credit 783,523
Recent average credit 140.36
Decic count 14
Septic count 0
(√-10) count 0
Computers View

Projects in which True:I think,therefor I THINK I am. My thinking ISNT the source of my being, nor proves my existence to others. Life v lies. Dont be a DNA-denier. Abortion kills a new, unique human-boy or girl. The fetus has her/HIS own CNS, circulatory system GEd is participating

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Total creditAverage creditSince
GPUGRID 30,020,906 13,621 23 Mar 2015
Einstein@Home 3,211,471 553 29 Dec 2020
yoyo@home 106,786 256 5 Feb 2019
Amicable Numbers 102,542 190 12 Oct 2022
NumberFields@home 783,523 131 17 Feb 2020
Rosetta@home 56,219 126 14 Aug 2017
NFS@Home 359,866 101 12 Jan 2016
PrimeGrid 217,253,246 84 31 Jul 2018
Asteroids@home 1,473,954 47 7 Oct 2015
SiDock@home 68,363 44 3 Feb 2021
SRBase 43,002,760 34 3 Feb 2021
MilkyWay@home 871,028 29 5 Dec 2015
Cosmology@Home 34,569 11 20 Feb 2018
SETI@home 14,794 0 28 May 2016
Universe@Home 14,477,733 0 18 Jul 2018

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