Duke of Buckingham

User ID 102013
NumberFields@home member since 18 Dec 2019
Country Portugal
Total credit 100,881
Recent average credit 0.10
Decic count 1
Septic count 0
(√-10) count 0
Computers View

Projects in which Duke of Buckingham is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
PrimeGrid 432,430 0 12 May 2019
SETI@home 8,668 0 7 Nov 2019
Cosmology@Home 4,916 0 10 Aug 2019
MilkyWay@home 14,637 0 18 Feb 2020
WUProp@Home 29,232 0 2 Feb 2019
Asteroids@home 14,400 0 15 Mar 2019
Amicable Numbers 20,508 0 15 Mar 2019

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 0:27:15 UTC