Posts by Matthias Lehmkuhl

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Talk about your long ones (Message 1326)
Posted 27 Jun 2015 by Matthias Lehmkuhl
Hi Eric,
Get Decics with Bounded Discriminant v3.04 was also getting calculation errors, but I found also some finished/valid results.

But the new one "Get Decics with Bounded Discriminant v3.05" is running good. No errors found. All results are valid.
Could just check on one of my hosts the uploaded results.
one additional point, the runtime of the 3.05 is nearly the same like the CPU time.

one point regarding the temp files, why is there the problem?
normally boinc apps should use the slot dir for temp files. In this case two running apps using the same temp file name should not get a conflict.

one additional point, the runtime of the 3.05 is nearly the same like the CPU time.
but on 3.04 the runtime is twice of the CPU time
For me it looks like, the faster algorithm i not really faster related to the runtime.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Talk about your long ones (Message 1321)
Posted 26 Jun 2015 by Matthias Lehmkuhl
here is the stderr.txt contents for the result
I've copied some GetBoundedDecics_state updates before calculation error

Checkpoint Flag = 0.
a5 Starting Index = 0.
a22 Starting Value = -1000000000.
a21 Starting Value = -1000000000.
a32 Starting Value = -1000000000.
a31 Starting Value = -1000000000.
PolyCount starting value = 0.
Stat Count 1 = 0.
Stat Count 2 = 0.
Stat Count 3 = 0.
Elapsed Time = 0 (sec).
Entering MartinetSearch routine...
Die Syntax fr den Dateinamen, Verzeichnisnamen oder die Datentr„gerbezeichnung ist falsch.
Disc Bound = 120000000000.00000000
Reading file ../../projects/numberfields.asu.edu_NumberFields/wu_12E10_SF73-0_Idx9_Grp37421of124454.dat:
K = y^2 - 73
TgtFlag = 0
a1 Index = 9
NumVals_a5 = 1
a5 values:
25 + -6w
a22_L = -3
a22_U = -3
a21_L = 41
a21_U = 41
a32_L = 23
a32_U = 46
|dK| = 73
Signature = [2,0]
a11 = -1
a12 = 2
sig1a1 = -10.544003745317531167871648326239706435
sig2a1 = 6.5440037453175311678716483262397064346
Ca1_pre = 30.800000
Opening output file ../../projects/numberfields.asu.edu_NumberFields/wu_12E10_SF73-0_Idx9_Grp37421of124454_0_0
Now starting the Martinet search:

Doing case a5 = 25 + -6w...
2nd part of Martinet bound = 18.978846.
Martinet bound = 49.778846.
a22_L = -3.
a22_U = -3.
a22 = -3.
a21_L = 41.
a21_U = 41.
a21 = 41.
a32_L = 23.
a32_U = 46.

hope this will help.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Talk about your long ones (Message 1320)
Posted 26 Jun 2015 by Matthias Lehmkuhl
looks like there is an issue on the "Get Decics with Bounded Discriminant v3.03"
on one of my computers only one result finish OK,
here is the good one

all other end in calculation error with different times
sample result for calculation error


stderr is empty for that results with calculation error.

CPU usage is less 50% for the last result (i've seen) and based on

same on the other host
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Talk about your long ones (Message 1316)
Posted 26 Jun 2015 by Matthias Lehmkuhl
Hi Eric,
stderr.txt is on the way.

I had 4 results, that like to run "forever"
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Talk about your long ones (Message 1313)
Posted 25 Jun 2015 by Matthias Lehmkuhl
For me it looks like check pointing does not work correct. But I'm not sure.
Attached the last two starts of the result, running round 8 hours each day.

Reading checkpoint file.
Checkpoint Flag = 1.
a5 Starting Index = 0.
a22 Starting Value = -2.
a21 Starting Value = 30.
a32 Starting Value = 8.
a31 Starting Value = -62.
PolyCount starting value = 13324144.
Stat Count 1 = 0.
Stat Count 2 = 13322140.
Stat Count 3 = 0.
Elapsed Time = 241474 (sec).
Entering MartinetSearch routine...
Disc Bound = 120000000000.00000000
Reading file ../../projects/numberfields.asu.edu_NumberFields/wu_12E10_SF73-0_Idx6_Grp24787of111782.dat:
K = y^2 - 73
TgtFlag = 0
a1 Index = 6
NumVals_a5 = 1
a5 values:
-38 + -8w
a22_L = 0
a22_U = 0
a21_L = 32
a21_U = 32
a32_L = 3
a32_U = 27
|dK| = 73
Signature = [2,0]
a11 = 1
a12 = 2
sig1a1 = -8.5440037453175311678716483262397064346
sig2a1 = 8.5440037453175311678716483262397064346
Ca1_pre = 29.200000
Opening output file ../../projects/numberfields.asu.edu_NumberFields/wu_12E10_SF73-0_Idx6_Grp24787of111782_0_0
Now starting the Martinet search:

Doing case a5 = -38 + -8w...
2nd part of Martinet bound = 18.978846.
Martinet bound = 48.178846.
a22_L = -2.
a22_U = 0.
a22 = -2.
a21_L = 21.
a21_U = 32.
a21 = 21.
a21 = 22.
a21 = 23.
a21 = 24.
a32_L = -11.
a32_U = 13.
a21 = 25.
a32_L = -9.
a32_U = 15.
a21 = 26.
a32_L = -7.
a32_U = 17.
a21 = 27.
a32_L = -5.
a32_U = 19.
Reading checkpoint file.
Checkpoint Flag = 1.
a5 Starting Index = 0.
a22 Starting Value = -2.
a21 Starting Value = 27.
a32 Starting Value = 8.
a31 Starting Value = -30.
PolyCount starting value = 14936179.
Stat Count 1 = 0.
Stat Count 2 = 14933914.
Stat Count 3 = 0.
Elapsed Time = 268104 (sec).
Entering MartinetSearch routine...
Disc Bound = 120000000000.00000000
Reading file ../../projects/numberfields.asu.edu_NumberFields/wu_12E10_SF73-0_Idx6_Grp24787of111782.dat:
K = y^2 - 73
TgtFlag = 0
a1 Index = 6
NumVals_a5 = 1
a5 values:
-38 + -8w
a22_L = 0
a22_U = 0
a21_L = 32
a21_U = 32
a32_L = 3
a32_U = 27
|dK| = 73
Signature = [2,0]
a11 = 1
a12 = 2
sig1a1 = -8.5440037453175311678716483262397064346
sig2a1 = 8.5440037453175311678716483262397064346
Ca1_pre = 29.200000
Opening output file ../../projects/numberfields.asu.edu_NumberFields/wu_12E10_SF73-0_Idx6_Grp24787of111782_0_0
Now starting the Martinet search:

Doing case a5 = -38 + -8w...
2nd part of Martinet bound = 18.978846.
Martinet bound = 48.178846.
a22_L = -2.
a22_U = 0.
a22 = -2.
a21_L = 21.
a21_U = 32.
a21 = 21.
a21 = 22.
a21 = 23.
a21 = 24.
a32_L = -11.
a32_U = 13.
a21 = 25.
a32_L = -9.
a32_U = 15.
a21 = 26.
a32_L = -7.
a32_U = 17.
a21 = 27.
a32_L = -5.
a32_U = 19.
a21 = 28.
a32_L = -3.
a32_U = 21.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Talk about your long ones (Message 1308)
Posted 23 Jun 2015 by Matthias Lehmkuhl
interesting, package
has a valid result with CPU time less 10000 seconds.
My result hasn't finished after more than 2 days CPU time.
The CPU performance is not so different based on boinc measurement.
This looks strange to me.
And the values in the "GetBoundedDecics_state" file of my result increase every minute.

Today morning I had the following values:
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Talk about your long ones (Message 1297)
Posted 18 Jun 2015 by Matthias Lehmkuhl
I've two long running results
for both the progress bar does not change since some days, I've recognized it yesterday.
But the results checkpoint round every minute (the files "GetBoundedDecics_state" and "boinc_task_state.xml" are updated every minute)
CPU time now: 26 hours at 38,37% (server deadline 19 Jun 2015, 12:34:13 UTC)
CPU time now: 19 hours at 35,95% (server deadline 21 Jun 2015, 9:58:28 UTC)

can you extend the deadline on Server for my results, so no one else gets this results?
Or should I abort this results on my host?
8) Message boards : Number crunching : DS-14x121 runtimes (Message 578)
Posted 23 Mar 2012 by Matthias Lehmkuhl
Hi Eric,
can you extend the deadline for this result?
It's running since 3 Days, and now at 79%. I have to shut down the machine for 3 Days during a power outage over the weekend.
Regular deadline is 24 Mar 2012 | 2:21:10 UTC
Time to go 19 hours.

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