Posts by Conan

1) Message boards : News : New badge type (Message 3296)
Posted 13 Jul 2022 by Profile Conan
If you look at the Stats list it will show quite a few people have already received the new badge.

Seems like you need at least 10 Field counts to get a badge.

2) Message boards : News : New badge type (Message 3281)
Posted 2 Jul 2022 by Profile Conan
Thanks Eric, sounds interesting, now I just have to try and earn one.

3) Message boards : News : Should the fixed credits be higher? (Message 2840)
Posted 19 Jun 2020 by Profile Conan
The short runners (those under 8,000 seconds or 2.2 hours) give good to reasonable credit numbers with 74 awarded credits for each work unit.

The longer ones don't give as good, dropping quite low, particularly the ones that run for over 3 hours, of which I get a number.

If the work units utilize hard drive storage, heavy load on the CPU or other resources, then a bonus as zombie mentioned should be awarded.

If there are not many long ones, then 74 to 100 (about 90 avg) would be alright.

If there are a lot of long ones then a more reasonable amount maybe 110 to 130 (120 avg).

How you get that to average out I am not sure.

4) Message boards : Number crunching : very weak credit (Message 2754)
Posted 10 May 2020 by Profile Conan
This credit issue still has not changed, I have recently come back and I am only getting 6 cr/h or less. 12 credits for more than 2 hours work is very much on the poor side.

I ran a few and then aborted the rest as it was not worth the effort, credit wise.

Sorry but I haven't stayed very long this time round, but I am just not seeing much of a reward to run the project.

5) Message boards : Number crunching : Qsqrt421_DS3x8 15+ hour running time? (Message 1711)
Posted 29 Apr 2016 by Profile Conan
Thanks Eric, I will keep it running.

Due to my older BOINC client (which I might update one day), the work units don't display percentage done, so I have no idea how far along this work unit is.

@ Dj Ninja

It is only running one instance of this project as it is also running more than 8 other projects at the same time, it has to share itself around. Compared to a normal run time of less than 30 hours, this work unit is a very long runner.

6) Message boards : Number crunching : Qsqrt421_DS3x8 15+ hour running time? (Message 1708)
Posted 28 Apr 2016 by Profile Conan
I have one of these that has now gone past it's report date and has clocked up over 90 hours.
See Task 16720784
It is still running on host 416.
I hope I will still get credit as it has been sent out to another computer as well now, who may get it back before me.

7) Message boards : News : Modification to bounded app (Message 1140)
Posted 16 Oct 2014 by Profile Conan
Eric I have had to abort those two tasks as they would of taken over 400 hours to run and I am going away so could not monitor them.

The Windows work unit I aborted at 51 hours 10.386% done and 123 hours still to go, see Work Unit 8455991
The Linux work unit I aborted at 40.52 hours 9.394% done and 101 hours still to go, see Work Unit 8456120

Something wrong with those two work units.

8) Message boards : News : Modification to bounded app (Message 1138)
Posted 15 Oct 2014 by Profile Conan
Hello, I have a question:
Why this 2 tasks on same computer have identical credit?
1. task: 9088523: running 587,841.66 sec; 946,71 credit
2. task: 9088530: running 1,013,174.43 sec; 946,71 credit.
Thanks, Martin

That would be because, we use credit based on runtime, not credit new. When credit is based on run time, there is a maximum limit setting, which I believe ours is set to something like 2 days. So any task that takes more than 2 days is capped at the maximum. Both tasks you list above are way beyond this limit.

The tasks for this app were designed to take about 2 or 3 hours on a typical modern computer. There are occasional outliers, but even then the most I have ever seen is ~10 hours. Your computers are relatively fast, so I am not sure why your tasks took so long. Maybe you can answer that.

I have had a couple that have run past 20-22 hours, although these have been an exception.
However I currently have one that is 7.3% done after 19 hours with an estimated 49 hours still to go (this is on a Windows 32 bit system).
I also have one at 5.2% after 14 hours with an estimated 37 hours still to go (this is on a Linux 64 bit system).

So a few out there are really long runners, though the majority are a under few hours.

9) Message boards : Number crunching : Error warning on Account Preferences page (Message 1086)
Posted 11 Aug 2014 by Profile Conan
I get this error warning on my account preferences page on opening the page

Deprecated: mysql_pconnect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/boincadm/projects/NumberFields/html/inc/ on line 31

Deprecated: mysql_pconnect(): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in /home/boincadm/projects/NumberFields/html/inc/ on line 49

As I didn't change anything I am not sure if the error is just a warning or if it affects any preference changes.

10) Message boards : News : Extra Credit for GetDecics (Message 598)
Posted 2 Apr 2012 by Profile Conan
No problem Erik, your work is our play.

The bonus you have been giving us is just icing on the cake and much appreciated (it also helped me get to the Million milestone).

11) Message boards : Number crunching : abort? (Message 553)
Posted 18 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
G'Day Erik and Rasputin42,

The WU 726362 has been reissued and returned by none other than yourself, Erik. In this case with a result already returned BOINC normally gives 0.00 credit to the second returned result if only 1 result is needed.

So if Rasputin42 returns this work unit now he wont get any credit for it as you already have the credit for that result.

If Rasputin42 has not started this WU then it might be a good idea to abort it.

Is this correct Erik?

12) Message boards : Number crunching : DS-14x121 runtimes (Message 548)
Posted 18 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
The work units have varying run times and on average 64 bit seems a bit faster than 32 bit even with slower clock speeds.

AMD Phenom X4 @3.2 GHz :-
Shortest = 33.739 Hours, Longest = 61.524 Hours, Ave = 41.503 Hours
running Fedora 64 bit Linux

AMD Phenom X6 @3.3 GHz :-
Shortest = 34.977 Hours, Longest = 57.872 Hours, Ave = 47.812 Hours
running Fedora 64 bit Linux

AMD Phenom X4 @3.4 GHz :-
Shortest = 45.189 Hours, Longest = 89.966 Hours, Ave = 60.603 Hours
running Windows XP 32 bit

AMD Phenom X6 @3.5 Ghz :-
Shortest = 46.970 Hours, Longest = 86.867 Hours, Ave = 56.402 Hours
running Windows XP 32 bit

These figures will change as I have a few very much longer work units on my Linux machines at the moment which may even out the run times a bit.

13) Message boards : Number crunching : abort? (Message 547)
Posted 18 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
No, it is running without any interruptions and boinc only.
Running Ubuntu 11.04.(64-bit)
I did notice, that the cpu utilization is not anywhere near 100% for any of the tasks.
My guess, this is due to the application.

G'Day Rasputin42,

I am running Linux 64 bit (Fedora 16 version), and my CPU utilisation is sitting around 99% all the time (computers virtually only do BOINC).

So perhaps CPU throttling is working to keep temperatures down on your CPU?

Also check that "Use 100% of CPU" is selected in your account preferences.

Plus check that the option "While Processor usage is less than ? percent", is set to 0 (zero) as Zero means no restriction on the CPU usage, any other figure will restrict the amount of work the CPU does.

Hope this can be of help.

14) Message boards : News : Extra Credit for GetDecics (Message 526)
Posted 14 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
I have been having the same problem on my Linux hosts only.
All my computers are the same AMD Phenom types and only the Windows ones get any work, every attempt for the last 3 days on the Linux machines has met with the "No Work Available" message.

Run times have not been a problem going from 33.74 hours to 89.9 hours.

The fastest times have been on one of the Linux machines.

Windows has thrown 2 results with 87 and 89 hour run times but all other results have been 60 hours or less.

15) Message boards : News : NumberFields@home still under construction (Message 510)
Posted 13 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
G'Day to all,

Yes Frank was right, the "" link is the problem and still does not work correctly.

Normally I get into this project by going through the Stat sites "FreeDC" or "All Projects", and clicking on their links to this project.

I checked both of these Stat Sites Link Addresses and found that they both point to "" and so I keep getting the problem.

I logged into this project via my browser and the link "" and had no trouble whatsoever, all working OK and as it should be.

So yes I have no more problems with the issue I was having.

However I wont be using the links from the above mentioned Stat Sites to get to this project.
I will use a direct link from my browser.

Thanks again Erik for all your work in this issue.
A big thanks to you FrankHagen for locating the problem.


16) Message boards : News : NumberFields@home still under construction (Message 503)
Posted 12 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
Sometimes this can be a corrupted login cookie, perhaps relating to the old address. Deleting all cookies relating in any way to the project and starting from scratch can clear it.

G'Day Richard,
I clear all my data on my Windows computer each internet session. So there are no cookies to refer to. That goes for Opera. On Explorer I don't normally use this programme at all so there are no stored cookies there either.

17) Message boards : News : NumberFields@home still under construction (Message 502)
Posted 12 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
G'Day Eric,
I don't have to hit the 'Back' button 20 times to get this issue to occur.

For others that don't understand what my problem is (well at least this problem, not all my other ones), I will go through the steps.

I open up the Projects Web page and then click on the "Account" link.
The "Log In" screen appears and I Log In.
I check things in my account and then want to go back to the Main Project Page to check out a few other things, for this I use the "Back" button on my browser.

It takes me a couple of "Back" presses to get back to the main page going back past the Log In screen in the process.

I click another link (say to Messages or Server Status) and look around the web site or read the message posts to see what is happening.

I then need to go back to my account page so I have to click on the "Account" link and it takes back to the "Log In" screen again, and I have to log back in to see my account.

If when I am viewing the messages and I want to post I am asked to Log In again as well.

To create a new thread I have to do what Erik suggested and not use the "Back" browser button but use the links at the bottom of my account page so that I stay logged into my account.

I use Firefox on Linux to do this.

I have just now tried Opera on Windows and the exact same thing happens.

HAve also tried Explorer on Windows and does the same thing as well.

The "Stay logged In" box is ticked on the log in screen but makes no difference.

So three different browsers and two different Operating Systems with the same result.


18) Message boards : News : NumberFields@home still under construction (Message 493)
Posted 11 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
Thanks Eric,

I will do that, but to me it is annoying for as I said I just go back and forth using the browser not specific links. Been doing it like this for years.

There are one or two other projects this has happened on, but mostly they get fixed or I stop going to my account page on those projects.

19) Message boards : News : NumberFields@home still under construction (Message 481)
Posted 10 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
I know that the project has been running fine for a while now but I am having a few project start up type issues.

I have to constantly re-log into my account every time I back out of the account page (not log out just use backspace to return to the main page to post on the Forum for instance), and then try go back to my account page.

If I go to my account I am asked to log in, even though I have the "Stay logged In" box ticked.
I log in and all OK whilst I am in the account, I then back out so I can go to the Forum to post or read the messages.
If I try to post I am asked to log in again as the system has logged me out when I backed out of my Account page.

I can only add to existing Threads as there is no way to start a new Thread due to the fact that I am no longer logged in.
(This is why I have restarted this thread).

It is getting a bit tiresome to be constantly logging in all the time. My other project are not doing this.

I use Firefox on a AMD Phemon X4 955 computer running Fedora 16 64 bit.


20) Message boards : News : Extra Credit for GetDecics (Message 472)
Posted 10 Mar 2012 by Profile Conan
Can't get any Linux work.
Getting the same as zombie67.
I did get a couple of Windows work units but nothing for the two hosts I just attached to the project that are running Linux.


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